6 for Sex

Six for sex. Oh, oh, OH yes. It’s time to slither out and make some sounds, for homophones abound! Beginning with the sultry title of this post, now thoughtfully explicated for you here as spoken integers: 6 – 4 – 6. Say them with me now aloud,...

7 stole some swords

For those of you who need a little extra help, a little extra information, a hand up, a bit of assistance, a little extra time, and glossary to read this, (in other words, for those of you too stupid to keep up,) please enjoy the following post — now with...

8 Seven at nine

“You’re weird.” “So weird.” “Weirdo.” In my memory I still hear the beastly little children call me names, spitting through their razor teeth, sharp like baby sharks, hurling words to knock me down, stun me dumb, and keep my...